Monthly Archives: June 2013

The Zepherhills Powerball Winner

The Zepherhills Powerball Winner

The largest jackpot Power-Ball winner from Zephyr-hills Florida has yet to come forward. This is now two weeks since the winner of the largest jackpot in Power-Ball history matched all 5 numbers plus the Power-ball. It is typical for winners of large jackpots like this to take the time and figure out what the best course of action is, and the least amount of penalty for the surge of increased wages in regards to claiming this ticket as an individual or LLC. entity.

There is also the possibility that this can be a group winning. Although with this delay this scenario is highly unlikely. There is more likely hood that the winner not a local but is from out of town, all of this of course is just pure speculation on my part as a writer of lucky winnings and a follower of the largest jackpots in the U.S.

The Power-Ball has boasted some of the largest lottery winners of all time, and there is no chance that this information will not be brought to the media the minute the winner steps forward. We will bring you the update once this happens. Until then, keep dreaming, keep playing!

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

Dear families and survivors of Sandy Hook,

This tragedy not only opened my eyes but also millions of others. No one really knows what can possibly happen until it actually happens. That needs to change it seems like something is clouding everyone’s vision we need more safety. As the seconds, minutes, pass by horrible things are happening such as deaths. Future scientists, artists, singers, dancers and many more intelligent students were killed. Who would’ve thought that the good bye the parents and husbands and wife’s said to their children or teachers was the last goodbye.

It’s sad that it took this to touch people’s hearts. It shouldn’t be that now we walk in school with fear in our hearts. If school isn’t safe than what is? From now on we wouldn’t have to worry about that we are improving our safety system. We are going to do something about this we are going to make a change. We Westland Hialeah high school students care about you and you are not alone we are all in this together.

Briona Laws

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

To the families of a Newtown, CT

You have no idea how many times I have re-written this letter because I wanted every single one of them to come out perfect. Then I realized how you wouldn’t want people sending you written letters that sound as if they meant nothing at all. Which is why I hope this letter does not make you feel that way.

The day I heard of the news I received a phone call from my Mom crying telling me what had happened, and telling me to please be safe in school. After that I couldn’t imagine how badly you wanted to call your children and tell them to be safe and that you love them. Many of you may be telling yourselves that you could have done something and you could have saved your child’s life from the nightmare they were living and hearing the sound of their voices saying “Thank you for being my hero.”

I remember coming home from school and people calling about the news and the only things that went through my head was why would anybody do something like this, and what could the parents reaction to all this be. On that same day I changed in that I shouldn’t take my life for granted and spend my whole life doing nothing, because in the very next minute we don’t know how we will affect this world and make a change in somebody else’s life. Ever since I was little I loved to write. I would right pages and pages of stories and make believe worlds where I can write anything and make everything the way I want it to be. This entire situation made me realize how I shouldn’t take my love of writing for granted.

I wanted to let you all know that my family is always praying for you and the fallen. They pray for those of you who have lost someone you held close to your heart like maybe a teacher, friend, son, or daughter, or lost your child’s hope in safety. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to send your kids off to school every morning, or a teacher arriving to school hoping that if anything goes wrong he or she will have the ability to protect his or her students.

I can’t tell you that life will get better because no one knows what the future holds, but what I can tell you is that you will get through this because I have faith that you will move on from this, but I know that you will always have your loved ones in your mind and a heavy heart. I wish every single one of you the very best.

Beatriz Perez

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

Thoughts And Prayers For Sandy Hook

Dear Barden Family,

When I heard about the tragedy that happened on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, I was heartbroken. I couldn’t believe that something so horrific had happened. I am sorry that your son Daniel couldn’t live out his dream to be a firefighter. This served as a wake-up call for me. It made me realize how crazy and unfair life is. That there are so many people out there that can destroy the life of others.

What it made me most aware of is how anyone, child or the elder, can be in a dangerous situation in a matter of seconds. I have a five year old nephew, and after December 14, I worry about him and his safety all the time. I panic, wondering if something bad might happen to him, or if a stranger is near him.

Every time I have family with me, I make sure to spend most of my time with them. I now know not to take that time for granted. Life should be about laughter and joy, like Daniel’s. Thanks to him I appreciate my life and everyone in it.
This letter is to give my gratitude to you and to Daniel. And even though I didn’t know him, ill always remember him as the kid everyone said he was, joyous.

I hope no one forgets this day in history. It is part of our nation, and it is part of us. Those lives lost on that day should be remembered and honored on the years to come. No one should forget someone or something that changed all of our lives forever. May your little firefighter rest in peace.

Gwenaelle Reyes