The Sandy Hook Incident

Dear parents from the sandy hook incident,

When I heard the terrible news from my family and friends I was shocked. I was stunned how one person can cause horrible damage in a school full of innocent people. To think those kids were not expecting such a situation where their lives were on the line, and teachers who were willing to sacrifice their lives for kids, make me notice that there are some good people in this world, and that not everything is lost.

Hopefully schools will realize that protecting their students should be a priority, and not a second choice. When I went to school on Monday, two days after the incident, I was more aware on what school security does and how their lives are affected. Somehow, I don’t feel as confident as I always felt in school and neither do my teachers. December 14, 2012, was truly an event to remember and to think of when trying to reduce crime, public shooting, and ideas on how to make the world a safer place for people.

Angel Hernandez