Sandy Hook Thoughts…Emily Parker

Sandy Hook Thoughts…Emily Parker

Dear mother and father of Emilie Parker,

I cannot even imagine the amount of grief and sadness you must be experiencing at the moment, and I know that words can do nothing more than add salt to your wounds of rememberence. But, on December 14th 2012, my life was forever changed. When I found out about the incident. My comfort zone in school safety was damaged, and my respect for teachers grew as well so much so.

The incident at Sandy Hook gave me awareness that schools are really not that safe after all and we must do everything in our power to assure the safety and the comfort of the students in it. I think that although it was a tragic thing that happened, America has learned from it. I am sorry that your sacrifice had to be such a great one. You lost an angel!

This unfortunate event has also helped me gain an even larger respect for teachers. To think that not only do they work hard to teach us and help us have a better future each and every day, but they would also without hesitation risk their own lives to guarantee our future and safety. For this they should be highly respected and honored each day.

This event has affected every single American’s heart and mind, we will try our best to ensure that this incident will not repeat itself for the sake of not only the students, parents, and teachers, but for the sake of our country. Mr. And Mrs. Parker, your daughter and the rest of the Newtown victims will be remembered forever.


Ayamey Caro