Sandy Hook Elementary Survivors

Sandy Hook Elementary Survivors

Dear Madeline’s family,

My deepest condolences to all of you. My name is Darilia Puentes, I’m a student at Westland Hialeah Senior high school. I heard about the incident that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary. Somehow I feel related to it because my little sister looks like Madeline and she is the same age as her. It’s incredible how things can change, how people can loose control, how lives can be destroyed because of one person. This event has made an impact in my life in many ways. For example, I don’t feel the same in school, at least not as comfortable as before.

I chose to write this letter to you in particular because of the similarities I’ve seen in your daughter to my sister. Also, a lot of people are writing in general and I wanted to to make a point, a comment, something that really mattered. Even though I’m sorry for all of the lives lost, I wanted a special family to know that I was profoundly affected. Stay strong, that’s the best way you can get through this. Just so you know, I have never seen your daughter however, I will always remember all of this. Thanks for taking your time reading this letter. I really appreciate it.


Darilia Puentes